596 - Loka Kanarp / Karl Johnsson # side a #
Loka Kanarp disegnattrice and illustrator was born 1983. His latest book published last fall, entitled Pearls and cartridges - and is the collection of 60 historical portraits of women (Colic Publishers). The comics are published Loka, inter alia, by ETC, Ordfront Magazine, Göteborgs Posten, Borås Tidning, Bang Galago. Il suo primo album è uscito nel 2006 ed è intitolato ai suoi amici e nemici (Carthage Publishers). Loka vive a sud di Stoccolma.
Loka Kanarp she is a cartoonist and illustrator. Her last book came last fall and called Pearls and cartridges - 60 historical female portrait (Colic Publishers). Loka comics have been published, inter alia, the ETC, Ordfront Magazine, Göteborgs Posten, Borås Tidning, Bang Galago. Her first album came out in 2006 and he is called to my friends and foes (Carthage Publishers). She lives in the south of Stockholm and she was born 1983rd.
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Karl Johnsson was born in 1980 in Stockholm, where he still lives today. He studied at the Key School (art school), at Gävle University and the KwaZulu-Natal University. He works as storyborder, illustrator and drawing comic books. Mara from Ulthar is his first book.
Karl Johnsson Was Born in 1980 and he lives in Stockholm. He studies at the Key School's (crafts) at Gävle University College (picture series and tells the program) and at University of KwaZulu-Natal (Fine Arts). He works as a comic artist, storyboard artist and illustrator. Mara from Ulthar Is His debut in book form.
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