Wednesday, December 24, 2008

3 Year Membership La Fitness Seattle

Augmented Reality: A new amazing technology try your WebCam

Today I want to propose a new and amazing technology that you can simply try with only a WebCam and printing a simple sheet of paper. It's called Augmented Reality (Augmented Reality) and shows all the techniques related to virtual reality that allows you to overlay a virtual element to the traditional perception. Of the various techniques you want to describe those that employ a simple WebCam . The first thing you Board to look at this video that makes you understand better than a thousand words.

basically consist of a simple printed sheet with a particular image. The software analyzes the image of the WebCam , recognizes the image printed on the sheet and its position and orientation.
At this point the actual image superimposes an element of virtual reality, in the case of video the little monster. By moving the paper or WebCam the image changes accordingly, and you can see the virtual object from different angles.

We are a bit 'of links to start with:

  • To test directly the little monster with a Flash application , here is the site Boffswana . All you need is a webcam, and print the pdf application allows Flash to access the WebCam.
  • If you want some nice software to install and do some 'evidence, I recommend the site Hit Lab NZ. Here you will find many beautiful applications that are ready, including the Tetri3d, the mere display of a 3D object, or a small software that lets you process your images.
  • If you want to get in and set, you can study ARToolKit, a software ibreria the free to program your applications of Augmented Reality
  • For something more complex ... go and see what their combined , have a look also at Artago .

What do you think?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Long Island Cruise Gay

Delete entries from the "New" XP: all this and more with TweakUI

you ever access the context menu "New " of XP (to be clear what it takes to create a new folder or a new file of a certain kind) and find a list of options that cover the entire screen, makes it all useless? This typically happens when you install many programs on your PC. To delete
That voice which actually do not feel useful, there is' a very effective method. It's called TweakUI , and it is a OFFICIAL for Microsoft Windows XP that allows you to change many parameters of your operating system.
TweakUI is one of the most useful released by Microsoft PowerToys for XP and enables you to costumizzare many things ranging from the behavior of the mouse, set the autoplay, change your special folders and more.
Coming to the problem of menu "New ," you have to do is install TweakUI, launch, click on the left menu on " Templates" and select / deselect all items on the menu again that sometimes include / exclude. Easy!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dungeon And Dragons Maps

New version of Portable VirtualBox (2.1.0)

You all know what VirtualBox from Sun: A magnificent
OpenSource virtualization software that allows you to virtualize, indeed, any operating system in any other. Some time ago I pointed out that there is a portable version of this software.

Only yesterday was released version 2.1.0 of the original software and the portable version is already available. The news are many, especially to support 3D acceleration!

Here again the link to this site from which you can download this wonderful software in a portable version and in various versions.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What Can Replace Dashi Broth

Iridium Flares: Surprise (I) by showing an intense glow in the sky

What if while talking romantically with your girlfriend asked you to look intently at a point in the night sky, and right there, magically appeared after a few seconds an intense glow? Or ... if you tell your nephew for 10 years you're going to call to the ship Enterprise of StarTreck and asked the captain to fire a phaser ... and this appeared in the sky? Well, it seems incredible, but today I want to tell you how ottenere tutto questo, semplicemente, gratuitamente, senza particolari attrezzature o trucchi.
Vi voglio infatti parlare di un fenomeno noto come Iridium Flares . Gli Iridium Flares non sono altro che dei bagliori (a volte molto intensi) provocati dalla riflessione dei raggi solari sulle antenne dei satelliti artificiali della costellazione Iridium , quelli, per intenderci, che permettono la comunicazione attraverso i telefoni satellitari.
I satelliti Iridium sono 66 ed orbitano intorno alla terra in 110 minuti. Capita spesso che in determinato punto della terra le antenne di questi satelliti riflettano la luce solare provocando un intenso bagliore which at times can be clearly seen even in daylight. The time and intensity of such events are directly dependent on the exact position where you are on earth.
If you want to see a video of one of these events can be found here .

to know when will the next Iridium Flares can be found at Heavens Above that will give you all the details.

is what you do: The first thing is to set their coordinates. You can do this manually or search the database of your site location. C ouncil to set it up carefully , because errors the position of a few kilometers can greatly influence the results.

After that you can ask the forecasts for the next 24 hours or 7 days of the ridium Flares. The site will provide you with the various events. For each of these is indicated, the apparent magnitude of the event, the elevation and azimuth.

The magnitude indicates the strength of the glow. Be careful, because smaller values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to a greater intensity. The logarithmic scale is also ... For example, an event with magnitude -8 is 100 times more intense than one with magnitude -3 .

The elevation is the angle between the horizon and the point where you see the glow. An angle of 10 degrees thus indicates that the event is near the horizon, an angle of 80 ° is almost upon you.

The azimuth indicates the direction in which to look. A 0 ° corresponds to the north, 90 degrees east, 180 ° south and so ...

What else to say .... Enjoy!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gay Cruising Spot Finder

An archive of 85 billion Web pages since 1996

For simple curiosity, or necessity, it is often useful to see a web page as it was in the past, perhaps to find information which is then removed or changed.
One possible resource to be exploited is Internet Archive, which contains over 85 billion of public web pages since 1996.
The interesting thing is that for every address stored you can access the many versions that have followed over the years. Operation is simple: go on the Internet Archive site , type the Web page address that interests you, and you will get a list of the various recorded versions that you can have easy access ... Out of curiosity, go see for example, a page from Microsoft in 1996 ...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Free Kates Playground Zip Set

Collection of 20 most beautiful illusions

A news really on the fly: you point out an article in the online version of the Telegraph which collects 20 of the most beautiful and famous optical illusions. Those below are
my favorites (click on images to see them with normal size and fully appreciate the effect of the illusion!). are no videos!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Can You Hepatitis C From An Electric Razor

Rename many files or entire folders according to precise criteria: two comfortable free software

you ever have to rename many files or the contents of entire folders according to some specific criterion? Maybe you have a list of files and want to add a serial number based on date, or you want to remove the first three characters of each, or ... Let me point out two handy freeware that can certainly do for you:
  • The first is called and Ant Renamer scaricabile nella versione No Install da questo link .
  • Il secondo si chiama ReNamer ed è scaricabile direttamente nella versione No Install direttamente da qui .
Entrambi funzionano in un modo abbastanza simile: Si seleziona un insieme di file o cartelle, si indica quale criterio seguire nel rinominare i file e si procede!
Un punto in più per ReNamer poiché permette di applicare più criteri sequenziali di rinomina dei file, per esempio, cancellare il primo carattere, poi sostituire la stringa " tot " con " puf " e poi aggiungere un sequenziale. Potrete avere inoltre un preview di come verrà changed the name of each file selected.